Dog's Diseases

Distemper | Parvovirus | Leptosporosis | Dental | Desexing | Tick Fever | Skin Allergy
Scabies | Heartworm | Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine

There are many preventative medicines/treatments available today to help maintain your pet in optimal health. Some of these such as vaccinations and heartworm preventatives have been discussed above.

De-worming tablets, given three monthly or even longer in Hong Kong, are an easy, safe and cheap way of keeping your pets free of intestinal and lung parasites. Take note that the de-worming treatment you are using also kills tapeworms as some of the heartworm plus treatments do not.

Fleas and lice are easily controlled with the use of topicals such as Frontline and Revolution. Treatments usually consist of once a month application of the solution onto the back of the neck of your pet.

Ticks are harder to control then fleas. Frontline applications need to be more frequent to control ticks than are necessary to control fleas.

There are a multitude of shampoos available which can help control skin conditions in dogs and cats.


Distemper | Parvovirus | Leptosporosis | Dental | Desexing | Tick Fever | Skin Allergy
Scabies | Heartworm | Preventative Medicine